An Introduction to TROOP 832

Boy Scouts of America

Walnut Creek, California





Day: Tuesday

Time: 7:20 - 8:30 pm

Place: Valle Verde Elementary School

3275 Peachwillow Lane
Walnut Creek, California

John Phillips

Jon Tonsing



For your convenience, "Introduction to Troop 832" is available in its entirety as a printer-friendly brochure in .PDF format.

A second document, "Transition to Scouting" containing more in-depth details that address parental concerns can be viewed or printed here.

You will need to view or print these documents. It's free!


Troop 832 has been in operation for 25 years. The Troop's focus is a year round outdoor camping program. Campouts and hikes are scheduled monthly. There are several months during the year when a combination of District and Council events as well as troop events result in two outings or events in a month.

Major events in the outing calendar include:

    Camp Wolfeboro (Summer Camp)

    Snow Camping

    High Sierra Backpacking

    50 Mile Trek (for older boys)

    Bike Trek

    Alcatraz Service Project (lottery)


    Summer Swim Meetings

Troop 832's emphasis is adventure, advancement, self-reliance, responsibility, service to others and leadership in a supportive atmosphere of fun and friendship.


Troop 832 is boy run with guidance from adult leaders. All scout leadership positions are rotated through elections twice a year. Boy leadership is a cornerstone of the scouting program. Boys learn and grow through planning, executing and evaluating meetings and outings.

The elected Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), runs troop meetings, and is assisted by his Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPL). Scouts who have achieved First Class Rank help younger scouts learn scout skills and are the only scouts who can 'sign-off' rank requirements in order for scouts to advance.

The troop is structured around patrols that are small units of 4 to 8 scouts. Outings, most activities and all 'telephone tree' information are organized around the patrol. In order for new scouts to become fully integrated into the troop and its activities the SPL and the Patrol Leader Council (PLC) will assign each new scout to a patrol as soon as they join the troop. These assignments are not irrevocable. New scouts can change patrols if they want, by requesting a transfer to another patrol from the SPL. All Scouts are members of a patrol.


In order for new scouts to get the most out of their scouting experience, they must fully participate in the activities of the troop (meetings, outings, summer camp, service projects, and leadership). Campouts and hikes provide many opportunities for advancement. These outings are especially important for younger scouts.

It is also important for boys to keep accurate records of their advancement activities. Troop 832 encourages boys to keep a binder or notebook for all of their scout information and records. This becomes vital for any boy applying for the rank of Eagle.


Although Troop 832 is boy run, activities cannot occur without the support of scouting parents.

Troop policy requires each family to provide transportation four times a year either to or from an outing. If a parent drives both ways on an outing, this counts as two.

Parents can also assist scouts with advancement by serving as Merit Badge Counselors. This is a wonderful way to share your knowledge and interests with other boys in the troop. The Scouts hold a merit badge meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month, an opportunity for them to focus on a merit badge and a potentially convenient meeting time for counselors. Merit badge counseling takes very little of your time, can be done at your convenience, and makes a big difference to those you counsel.

Other ways parents can serve is to become an adult leader. There are a number of adult roles in the troop such as Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster (uniformed leaders), committee chair, secretary, treasurer, membership, newsletter, membership, advancement, newsletter and transportation. As well as short-term jobs that assist the Troop but don't require a lot of time. One of the most important functions that non-uniformed leaders perform is to serve on Boards of Review, which are required of all scouts for every rank advancement. There is no better way to learn about the scouting program than to serve on a Board of Review. This is a great way for parents to stay involved and informed.


Each new scout will receive as part of the bridging ceremony, a Troop 832 neckerchief, a Troop t-shirt and scout epaulets.

Boys need to purchase a Boy Scout Handbook and a scout uniform (shirt, pants - long or short, socks, belt, council patch, and troop numbers. No scout hat is required.)

New scouts will need to borrow or purchase some necessary camping equipment. However, we strongly recommend that parents talk with the Scoutmaster or one of the Assistant Scoutmasters before buying this equipment. An equipment list and suggestions will be provided when your son decides to join the Troop.


Yearly fees are $85.00. These fees are prorated according to the month that you join. The yearly fee includes Boy's Life, some activity fees and advancement. Special activities (e.g., Summer Camp, Camporee, 50-miler, and Alcatraz trip) may require a separate fee.    

If your son would like to join Troop 832, please contact Jon Tonsing at   

We are very proud of our Troop 832 program. There is nothing more rewarding than watching boys learn and grow as they share the fun and adventure of scouting. We hope to welcome your son as a member of Troop 832.


If you have additional questions about Troop 832 contact:

John Phillips

Jon Tonsing

Last edited: 15-Oct-2009 5:25 PM